Letters from Pablo Casals to Cameron Baird

Letters from Pablo Casals to Cameron Baird

(Translated from the original French)

8 March 1949

Dear Mr. Baird,

Alexander Schneider has informed me of your kind gesture.
I am so delighted and surprised that I can hardly dare to express
my gratitude in words.
The piano will be sent from Paris very soon. Thanks to you
I will have the companion I need for my music. I owe to you the
joyful inspiration and consolation it will provide.
I thank you with all my heart.

Yours truly,Pablo Casals
Villa Cosette
Route de Ria
Prades, France

21 January 1951

Dear Mr. Baird,

Thank you very much for your letter which I find very
interesting. It is wonderful that you are able to introduce Buffalo to
so many important works, and that you have such choruses at your
disposal, something very difficult to achieve almost everywhere.
I understand the concerns of Mrs. Baird, but since I do not
believe in a major war, I would like to count on seeing you at our
next Festival.
I have not yet listened to the recordings of the Bach Festival
– I am confident they will be appreciated in America.
Your piano is my dear companion – it goes without saying
that every time I go near it my thoughts go to you.
For you, Mrs. Baird and your children, always my best wishes.

Yours ever devoted,Pablo Casals
1, Route de Canigou
Prades, France