Red eyes, big smiles!

The musicians and staff are now in their fourth country in less than 24 hours. The two groups of musicians left Toronto’s Pearson Airport around 7 PM last night, one bound for London’s Heathrow Airport and the other for Brussels, Belgium. Each group had time to enjoy breakfast before boarding another plane to Prague. Both groups are now en route to Wroclaw via bus.

One orchestra, checking in! At Toronto’s Pearson Airport.

The journey begins: Director of Concert Production Lisa Gallo (L), Operations Director Alison Bolton, and Principal Librarian Pat Kimball at Pearson.

Seatmates! Personnel manager Jenn Comisso (L) and bassoonist Martha Malkiewicz. Funny, we never noticed they had rabbit ears before!

High spirits! Aboard the plane to Brussels, taken by Martha Malkiewicz.

Good morning Ireland, with love from Martha Malkiewicz!

Good morning London, with love from violinist Diana Sachs!

Power breakfast: Jennie Baccante, Diana Sachs and Alan Ross dine together at Heathrow Airport in London before leaving for Prague.

If you think this coffee looks good, imagine how it would look at 6:30 AM after an all-night flight!