Rzeszow, Buffalo’s Sister City

On Saturday, while most of the orchestra enjoyed a free day in Wroclaw, the octet was performing in Buffalo’s sister city, Rzeszow. Ever since the concept of the tour came up, we started seeking a way to visit Rzeszow (pronounced something like chesh-ow). The BPO has long considered itself Buffalo’s cultural ambassador, reaching the entire world through our 45 CDs and our Performance Today broadcasts. This was a chance to do some in-person ambassadorship, and to deepen the relationship between our two communities that has been in place since 1975.

Elzbieta Piecuch, Rzeszów Sister City Manager, has been our constant contact. She worked very hard to get us to Rzeszów and put together a fantastic experience for us!

The octet performs at the University of Rzeszow — a truly beautiful venue.

A delicious dinner in Rzeszow!

Rzeszow City Hall

Entrance to a small church off the main square of Rzeszow.

The schedule allowed for a little exploring. It was a treat to see inside this gorgeous church.

Tadeusz Kosciuszko is a hero to Americans and to Poles. He was instrumental in the American Revolution and bravely led a rebellion against the Russians in his home country.

A street scene in Rzeszow.

Glenn Einschlag, Henry Ward, Anna Mattix, Daniel Kerdelewicz and Max Pipinich on the steps of the hotel.

Thank you, Rzeszow. It was lovely to spend some time with you. Next stop: Wroclaw!