Teaching Artists
Bring unique arts engagement into your classroom through the dynamism of the BPO’s professional musicians. Presentations feature interactive music learning opportunities and authentic connections between music and other areas of learning, with an emphasis on artistic excellence and can meet varied classroom learning objectives. Your BPO understands the importance of arts engagement in developing creative thinkers and innovators who value learning over a lifetime.
The BPO offers Classroom Programs or Instrument Workshops & Clinics.
Select each tab below to explore programming.
Classroom programs explore arts learning through movement activities, active listening and authentic connections between music and other areas of study. These musician-developed programs bring a unique perspective and a wealth of beautiful music to concepts you are teaching in your classroom.
Programs can be adapted for your needs and specific age groups.
The Bass-ics of Sound
BPO double bassist Brett Shurtliffe
Grades K-6
What is the science behind the sound we hear? How is sound generated to create beautiful music? BPO musician Brett Shurtliffe will demonstrate how vibration produces sound and explore concepts like pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, and resonance using fun materials and the string bass. Using everyday objects and written music, this interactive workshop illuminates the building blocks of music.
With connections to: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology

Meaning, Mood and Movement in Music
BPO Oboe/English hornist Anna Mattix
Grades K-8
How do musicians interpret musical compositions to create meaning for an audience? What kind of choices do composers and musicians make to create mood and atmosphere? Anna Mattix explores how the manipulation of sound and time can create movement in music. Anna presents music that incorporates Greek mythology, popular song, and the famous Dvorak New World Symphony English Horn solo that became the spiritual “Going Home.” Her presentation is interactive and engages students in active listening, movement and musical choices. This presentation helps students learn how to integrate and evaluate information presented through a diverse format.
With connections to: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for ELA and Literacy

A Story Through Music
BPO oboe/English hornist Anna Mattix and BPO double bassist Brett Shurtliffe
Grades 3-8
In following the structure of stories, we explore how music can make its own narrative. Students are guided in how to create their own unique story by choosing melodies for a beginning, middle, and end. We connect musical moods and choices in order to decide where our tale goes. This interactive program incorporates familiar and exciting melodies alongside unique and intriguing tunes, while promoting student creativity through musical choices.
With connections to: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for ELA and Literacy and Social Studies

Celebrating Black History in Music
BPO oboe/English hornist Anna Mattix and BPO double bassist Brett Shurtliffe
Grades K-12
This presentation celebrates black history through diverse music written by black and African American composers. Musicians will highlight historical events and significant movements that influenced people and the music created during the time, as well as varied music styles that developed as a result.
With connections to: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for ELA and Literacy and Social Studies

Music By, About and For Women: In Honor of JoAnn Falletta’s 20th anniversary with the Buffalo Philharmonic
BPO English hornist Anna Mattix
Grades 5-12
Oboe and English hornist, Anna Mattix, presents a program using music by women composers, music composed for women and music inspired by the amazing contributions of JoAnn Falletta to our community. With her interactive style, Anna presents music that is both familiar and new to showcase the feminine contribution to art and community.
With connections to: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for ELA and Literacy and Social Studies

Conflict Resolution
BPO Oboe/English hornist Anna Mattix and BPO musician
Grades K-6
Anna Mattix and another BPO musician address how people can work together to resolve conflict. Using music to present different kinds of problems, the two musicians work with students to find their harmony. This fun and interactive program uses music from all eras including Telemann, Mozart and popular movie themes in order to portray the musical conflicts that may arise in tempo, harmony and style. They also address common inner conflicts and how they can be uniquely addressed in musical performance.
With connections to: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for Social Studies

Are you looking for a guest artist to work in-depth with your instrumental music students on repertoire, music fundamentals, instrument-specific techniques, performance techniques or even to speak on career readiness?
Our musicians can work with your band, orchestra or instrumental section on individual and ensemble music proficiency. Choose an artist from your preferred instrument family and bring an expert into your music room to inspire the best from your students!
Instrument Clinics
Various BPO Musicians
Grades 5-12
Bring in a BPO musician to work with your instrumental students in small group settings or virtually. This is a great way to help take your program to the next level by bringing in an expert that will give technical support, reinforce high standards and provide inspiration for improvement.
All-Brass, All-Woodwind and Double Reed clinics available, as well as the following instruments:
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon
Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba
Harp, Percussion

String Workshop
Amy Glidden, associate concertmaster
Brett Shurtliffe, associate principal bass
Elementary, middle and high school string students
Both Amy and Brett have a wealth of knowledge in string pedagogy and string repertoire at all age levels, and love working with students. They can work with small groups, or your full string orchestra, as needed.

Chamber Music Coaching
Various BPO Musicians
Grades 6-12
Give your chamber music groups a boost with a coaching by a BPO musician. Many of our musicians are avid chamber music performers as well as orchestral musicians and can share their expertise with your student groups. Musicians will be selected based on the chamber group being served.

Musicianship Workshop
Fernanda Lastra, Conductor Diversity Fellow
Middle and high school ensemble students
The BPO’s Conductor Diversity Fellow, Fernanda Lastra, can present to your band or orchestra students to further their development in ensemble literacy and basic musicianship. Fernanda will work with you to address your goals for the presentation, whether it is fundamentals, ensemble communication, specific repertoire or performance readiness.

Accessible Music Workshops
specifically designed for children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities
Kathleen Bassett
All ages & adults
Kathleen Bassett has been teaching in public and private schools for over 20 years. She has taught in self-contained special needs classrooms as well as integrated classrooms and has extensive experience in instructional differentiation for diverse learners. As a BPO Teaching Artist, Ms. Bassett will bring her expertise to your students and engage them in active lessons to participate in music through auditory, kinesthetic, and visual experiences.

Instrument Families Exploration
Various BPO musicians
Grades K-4
Bring a musician from each instrument family to your students for this multiple-presentation “residency.” One of our teaching artists from the strings, winds, brass and percussion will bring their expertise and instruments to your students and give a wonderful introduction, or deeper dive, into each instrument family of the orchestra. This requires a four-presentation commitment, but scheduling is flexible based on your needs and our musicians’ availability.

Half Day or Full Day Residencies
Various BPO musicians
Grades 6-12
Bring in a BPO musician for a half day or a full day of workshops and activities at your school. We will work with you to design a visit that will serve your needs that can include small group coachings, full ensemble clinics, presentations on requested topics and even joint performance opportunities. This option is highly customizable and pricing will be determined by the scope of the work.

Professional Development for Music Educators
Robin Parkinson, Vice President, Education & Community Engagement
Rachael Pudlewski, Associate Director of Education
Select BPO musicians
Receive professional development that will address the unique needs of your department. BPO Education staff will share a wealth of information on how the BPO can be a resource to music educators and their students both in the classroom and at Kleinhans Music Hall. Additional opportunities include attendance at BPO rehearsals, sessions with BPO conductors, and workshops with BPO musicians on a range of topics.

- Single musician presentation (40-60 minutes) = $160
- Two presentations back-to-back (two 40 minute periods) = $235
- Conflict Resolution; A Story Through Music; Celebrating Black History in Music programs (40-60 minutes) = $260
- Half Day Residency (single musician) = starting at $500
- Full Day Residency (single musician) = starting at $975
- Professional Development Workshop (60 minutes) = $160
- Professional Development Residency (full day) = $500
Please note that mileage costs may apply to any Teaching Artist visit outside the Buffalo metro area. You may inquire about financial assistance for Title I schools.
The BPO is a proud partner of Erie 1 BOCES Arts in Education and Exploratory Enrichment programs. For more information please click here.