This hub of youth concert resources is brought to you by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra with tremendous support from National Fuel, the BPO Next Generation Education Fund and the Buffalo Public Schools for use in virtual or in-person classrooms. Content is divided into thematic units and each has an accompanying suggested lesson plan.

The videos in this hub include beloved classics like Peter and the Wolf and Carnival of the Animals as well as music with local ties like the Erie Canal Song and Swing Low, Sweet Chariot and much, much more. We are proud to present a diverse offering of composers and guest artists.
Additional Resources
Choose and practice an instrument with BPO musicians through the #PlayOnWNY series featuring 70+ videos.
Learn the fundamentals of singing with the Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus.
Symphony Hall Pass
Designed to be a flexible season concert pass for high school students to enjoy BPO performances at a discounted rate. Only $29 per student and free for Buffalo Public School students.
BPO Teaching Artists
Bring unique arts engagement into your classroom or virtual learning through the dynamism of the BPO’s professional musicians.
Music Education Resources
Access additional music education resources.

Education Sponsors
Education programs are made possible through generous annual donations and significant investment from the BPO.